(place-holder, to be worked on)
Why Thoken?
Substantial Cost Saving: Thoken can reduce your payment transaction costs by 20%-50%. In particular, Thoken is designed to keep transaction fees as low as possible, allowing you to accept micropayments as low as 5 cents.
Accept a Small Fee from Web: If you want to get a small fee as a thank you for the content you provide on your website and phone app, Thoken can do it, but not all existing gateways. This is because, for example, you get 10 cents at a time and Thoken charges less than 3 cents, while existing gateways may charge you up to 40 cents. Plus, with Thoken, your customers can make micropayments to you with just one click.
Pay as You Need: In addition to the two existing business models: free content + ads, and subscriptions, would you like to have another channel to grow your market and sales? Thoken enables "pay-as-you-go" such as "pay-as-you-read", "pay-as-you-play", "pay-as-you-watch" or "pay-as-you-listen" on websites and phone apps.
More Benefits to Consumers: Do you want a gateway that not only supports your currency transactions, but also helps you increase your market and sales? Thoken is your gateway. With Thoken Pay, your consumers get more benefits from universal cashback, enhanced security, enhanced privacy, and easier payments.
Integrated Payment Gateway: Do you want a gateway with a single merchant account that enables you to accept payments on websites, phone apps, stores, email and phone via pay buttons, QR codes, browser bookmarks and encrypted tokens. Thoken is your payment gateway.
Thoken Usages
Alternative Model to Paywall
Get Micropayments
Get cents for Thanks
Get Small Donation
Types of Provider Thoken
Open Thoken
Time Metered Thoken
Single-Price Thoken
Multiple-Price Thoken
checkout Thoken
Three Simple Steps to Create Provider Thoken
Onboarding Regsitraiton
Generate Provider Thoken
Include Provider Thoken on Your Webpages
How to Include Provider Thoken in Your Webpages
Thoken as Timing-Metered Readership Gatekeeper
Thoken as Single-Article Readership Gatekeeper
Thoken as Checkout Payment
Thoken as Donation Gateway
Thoken as Thkans Token
Privacy and Security
Full Privacy Protection
Provider only know consumer's Thkone Id number. Payment info is stored in famous payment gate, not Thoken platform
Verification of Devices of Using Thoken
Closed Payment System
Machine Learning Process of Fraud Detetion
- Payment Confirmation Through Phone Messages as Demanded